§ 2-4-5 Chairperson of the committee Quorum Expenses Surety bonds Records Audit. The chairperson of the state committee shall be elected annually by thecommittee. The committee may elect from among its members such other officersas they deem necessary. A majority of the committee constitutes a quorum, andall actions of the committee shall be by a majority vote of the members presentand voting at a meeting at which a quorum is present. The chairperson andmembers of the committee receive no compensation for their services on thecommittee, but are entitled to expenses or per diem, including travelingexpenses, necessarily incurred in the discharge of their duties on thecommittee. The committee shall provide for the execution of surety bonds forall employees entrusted with funds or property; shall provide for the keepingof a full and accurate record of all proceedings and of all resolutions,regulations, and orders issued or adopted; and shall provide for a periodicaudit of the accounts of receipts and disbursements. Members of the committeeand the subcommittee shall be removable by the governor pursuant to §36-1-7 of the general laws and for cause only, and removal solely for partisanor personal reasons unrelated to capacity or fitness for the office shall beunlawful.