§ 2-4-6 Powers and duties of committee. In addition to the duties and powers conferred upon the committee, it has thefollowing duties and powers:
(1) To offer any assistance as may be appropriate to thedirectors of conservation districts, organized as provided in this chapter, inthe carrying out of any of their powers and programs; to assist and guidedistricts in the preparation and carrying out of programs for resourcesconservation authorized under this chapter; to review district programs; tocoordinate the programs of the conservation districts and resolve any conflictsin those programs.
(2) To keep the directors of each of the conservationdistricts organized under this chapter informed of the activities andexperience of all other districts organized under this chapter, and tofacilitate an interchange of advice and experience between the districts andcooperation between them.
(3) To approve forms of agreements, proposed to be enteredinto by districts, with other districts or with any state, federal, interstate,or other public or private agency, organization, or individual, and advise thedistricts concerning the forms of agreements.
(4) To secure the cooperation and assistance of the UnitedStates and any of its agencies, and of agencies of this state, in the work ofthe districts.
(5) To enlist the cooperation and collaboration of state,federal, regional, interstate and local public and private agencies with theconservation districts; and to facilitate arrangements under which theconservation districts may serve city or town governing bodies and otheragencies as their local operating agencies in the administration of anyactivity concerned with the conservation of renewable natural resources.
(6) To disseminate information throughout the stateconcerning the activities and programs of the conservation districts organizedunder this chapter, to make available information concerning the needs and thework of the conservation districts and the committee to the governor, thelegislature, executive agencies of the government of this state, politicalsubdivisions of this state, cooperating federal agencies, and the generalpublic.
(7) Pursuant to procedures developed mutually by thecommittee and other federal, state and local agencies that are authorized toplan or administer activities significantly affecting the conservation ofrenewable natural resources, to receive from those agencies for review andcomment suitable descriptions of their plans, programs and activities for thepurposes of coordination with district conservation programs; to arrange forand participate in conferences necessary to avoid conflict among those plansand programs, to call attention to omissions, and to avoid duplications ofeffort.
(8) Whenever the committee determines that there exists asubstantial conflict between the resources conservation program of a districtand the proposed plans or activities directly affecting resource conservationprepared by any other local governmental unit or agency of the federalgovernment, or this state, and that the conflict cannot be resolved through theconsultation procedures provided for in this section, the committee shallsubmit a report of the conflict through the department of environmentalmanagement to the governor.
(9) To compile information and make studies, summaries, andanalyses of natural resource conditions in cooperation with local conservationdistricts and conservation programs on a statewide basis.
(10) Except as otherwise assigned by state law, to carry outand coordinate the policies of this state in programs at the state level forthe conservation of the renewable natural resources of this state and torepresent the state in matters affecting those resources. This includes theformulation and development of state guidelines, as deemed necessary, for theconservation of soil, water and related natural resources of the state. Whendeveloping these guidelines the committee, working with the conservationdistricts, may secure the assistance of state and federal agencies and RhodeIsland schools of higher learning to make such investigations and studies asare necessary.
(11) To offer technical assistance to the department ofenvironmental management and/or other state agencies in the development ofrecommendations for the general assembly of any natural resource legislationdeemed necessary for the conservation, preservation, protection and developmentof the renewable natural resources of this state. This legislation may include,but is not necessarily limited to, provision for erosion and sediment control,flood plain regulation and the conservation of watershed resources.
(12) To assist conservation districts in obtaining legalservices from the attorney general.
(13) To require annual reports from conservation districts,the form and content of which shall be developed by the committee.
(14) To establish by regulations, with the assistance andadvice of the appropriate state fiscal officers, adequate and reasonablyuniform accounting and auditing procedures which shall be used by conservationdistricts, and when the situation requires on a vote of at least four (4)members, to impound all district funds and assets subject to ratification at ahearing on the action in accordance with the administrative procedures act,chapter 35 of title 42.
(15) To approve and issue within ninety (90) days after theend of each fiscal year a detailed annual report to the governor, the speakerof the house of representatives, the president of the senate, and the secretaryof state of its activities for the preceding year. The report shall provide areview and synopsis of the state conservation district activities; an operatingstatement summarizing meetings or hearings held, including meeting minutes,subjects addressed, decisions rendered, studies conducted, policies and plansdeveloped, approved, or modified, and programs administered or initiated; asummary of the work of the farm, forest and open space subcommittee includingthe list of current values for farm, forest and open space; a consolidatedfinancial statement of all funds received and expended including the source ofthe funds, a listing of any staff supported by these funds, and a summary ofany clerical, administrative or technical support received; a summary ofperformance during the previous fiscal year including accomplishments,shortcomings and remedies; a synopsis of any legal matters related to theauthority of the council; a summary of any training courses held pursuant tosubsection 2-4-6(18); a briefing on anticipated activities in the upcomingfiscal year; and findings and recommendations for improvements. The reportshall be posted electronically as prescribed in § 42-20-8.2. The directorof the department of administration shall be responsible for the enforcement ofthis provision.
(16) To establish by regulation the procedure for removing adistrict director from office either for excessive absence or for other cause.The procedure shall include a hearing before the committee at which time theaffected director may seek to rebut the charges.
(17) To have supervision and control of any fundsappropriated by the general assembly to finance the activities of the committeeand the conservation districts; to administer the provisions of any act enactedby the legislature appropriating funds for expenditure in connection with theactivities of conservation districts; to distribute to conservation districtsfunds, equipment, supplies and services received by the committee for thatpurpose from any source, subject to the conditions that shall be madeapplicable thereto in any state or federal statute or local ordinance makingavailable those funds, property or services; to issue regulations establishingsuitable controls to govern the use by conservation districts of those funds,property and services; approve all budgets, administrative procedures andoperations of those districts to ensure that districts conform with applicablelaws and regulations.
(18) To conduct a training course for newly appointed andqualified members and new designees of ex officio members within six (6) monthsof their qualification or designation. The course shall be developed by thechair of the committee, approved by the committee, and conducted by the chairof the committee. The committee may approve the use of any committee or staffmembers or other individuals to assist with training. The course shall includeinstruction in the following areas: the provisions of chapters 2-4, 42-46,36-14 and 38-2; and the committee's rules and regulations. The director ofadministration shall, within ninety (90) days of the effective date of this act[April 20, 2006], prepare and disseminate training materials relatingto the provisions of chapters 42-46, 36-14 and 38-2.