§ 2-6-10 Violations and prosecutions. (a) Every violation of the provisions of this chapter shall be deemed amisdemeanor punishable by a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) forthe first offense and not exceeding two hundred fifty dollars ($250) for eachsubsequent similar offense.
(b) When the director finds that any person has violated anyof the provisions of this chapter, the director shall file with the attorneygeneral, with a view of prosecution, any evidence that may be deemed necessary.No prosecution under this chapter shall be instituted without the defendantfirst having been given an opportunity to appear before the director or his orher duly authorized agent, to introduce evidence either in person or by agentor attorney at a private hearing. If, after the hearing, or without the hearingin case the defendant or his or her agent or attorney fails or refuses toappear, the director is of the opinion that the evidence warrants prosecution,the director shall proceed as provided in this section.
(c) It is the duty of the attorney general to instituteproceedings at once against any person charged with a violation of thischapter, if, in the judgment of the attorney general, the information submittedwarrants that action.
(d) After judgment by the court in any case arising underthis chapter, the director shall publish any information pertinent to theissuance of the judgment by the court in any media as the director maydesignate from time to time.