§ 2-7-10 Misbranding. No person shall distribute misbranded fertilizer. A commercial fertilizer isdeemed to be misbranded:
(1) If its labeling is false or misleading in any particular;
(2) If it is distributed under the name of another fertilizerproduct;
(3) If it is not labeled as required in § 2-7-5 and inaccordance with regulations prescribed under this chapter; or
(4) If it purports to be or is represented as a commercialfertilizer or is represented as containing a plant nutrient or commercialfertilizer, unless the plant nutrient or commercial fertilizer conforms to thedefinition of identity, if any, prescribed by regulation of the director; inthe adopting of those regulations the director shall give due regard tocommonly accepted definitions and official fertilizer terms as those issued bythe association of American plant food control officials.