§ 2-7-4 Registration. (a) Each brand and grade of commercial fertilizer shall be registered by themanufacturer or by that person whose name appears upon the label before beingdistributed in this state. The application for registration shall be submittedto the director on a form furnished by the director, and shall be accompaniedby a fee of seventy-two dollars ($72.00) per brand or grade registered.
(1) All revenues received from registration fees shall bedeposited as general revenues.
(2) All applications for registration shall be accompanied bya label or true copy of the label.
(3) Upon approval by the director, a copy of the registrationshall be furnished to the applicant.
(4) All registrations expire on December 31st of each year.
(5) The application includes the following information:
(i) The brand and grade;
(ii) The guaranteed analysis;
(iii) The name and address of the registrant.
(b) A distributor is not required to register any commercialfertilizer which is already registered under this chapter by another person,providing the label does not differ in any respect.
(c) A distributor is not required to register each grade ofcommercial fertilizer formulated according to specifications which arefurnished by a consumer prior to mixing.
(d) The plant nutrient content of each and every brand andgrade of commercial fertilizer must remain uniform for the period ofregistration.