§ 20-1-12 Fixing of seasons and baglimits. (a) The director is authorized to adopt regulations fixing seasons, bag limits,size limits, possession limits, and methods of taking on any species of fish,game, bird, or other wild animal occurring within the state, other than marinespecies regulated by the marine fisheries council.
(1) These regulations may prohibit the taking, holding, orpossession of any species, prohibit the taking, molestation, or disturbance inany way of nesting, breeding, or feeding sites of any species and/or prohibit,control, or regulate any commercial use, importation into the state, orexportation from the state of any species.
(2) These regulations may be of statewide applicability ormay be applicable in any specified locality or localities within the state whenthe director shall find, after investigation, that the regulations areappropriate.
(b) Any person who violates any provision of this section orany rule or regulation made under the provisions of this section shall beguilty of a civil violation and subject to a fine of one hundred dollars ($100)for each offense.
(c) Notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of law, thetraffic tribunal shall have jurisdiction to hear and determine all violationsspecified in this section.
(d) The regulations shall be adopted only after the holdingof a public hearing subject to the provisions of the Administrative ProceduresAct, chapter 35 of title 42.