§ 20-1-21 General powers. (a) The following fees shall be established and paid to the department ofenvironmental management for issuance of the following special permits:
Ferret Permit$10.00
Scientific Collector's Permit$25.00
(b) Any fees collected under authority of this section shallbe deposited into restricted receipt accounts established by this title, asappropriate to the type of special permit issued, and shall be used only forthe authorized purposes of the restricted receipt accounts. The accountsinclude, but are not limited to: fishing license account, hunting licenseaccount, wildlife fund.
(c) The division of fish and wildlife shall be authorized toestablish fees for reference, educational and souvenir-type materials providedupon request to interested parties. Those materials include, but are notlimited to: surveys, guides, maps, posters, reference and educational bookletsand materials, and articles of clothing. No fee shall be required for anymaterials describing or implementing any licensing or regulatory authority ofthe division. Any fees collected under authority of this section shall bedeposited as general revenues.