§ 20-10-1 Declaration of intent and publicpolicy. Whereas, R.I. Const., Art. I, Sec. 17, guarantees to the people the right toenjoy and freely exercise all rights of fishery and imposes on the generalassembly the responsibility to provide for the conservation of water, plant,and animal resources of the state; and
Whereas, it is in the best public interest of the people andthe state that the land and waters of the state, are utilized properly andeffectively to produce plant and animal life; and
Whereas, the process of aquaculture is a proper and effectivemethod to cultivate plant and animal life; and
Whereas, the process of aquaculture should only be conductedwithin the waters of the state in a manner consistent with the best publicinterest, with particular consideration given to the effect of aquaculture onother uses of the free and common fishery and navigation, and the compatibilityof aquaculture with the environment of the waters of the state; therefore,
It is the public policy of this state to preserve the watersof this state as free and common fishery. The health, welfare, environment, andgeneral well being of the people of the state require that the state restrictthe uses of its waters and the land thereunder for aquaculture and, in theexercise of the police power, the waters of the state and land thereunder areto be regulated under this chapter.