§ 20-10-1.1 Creation of the BiosecurityBoard. There shall be a biosecurity board within the coastal resources managementcouncil, (hereinafter referred to as "CRMC"), which shall meet, at minimum, ona quarterly basis and shall be composed of seven (7) members to be designatedby the executive director of the CRMC, or his or her designee, with councilapproval. The council shall select a chair from among the board members, one ofwhom shall be the executive director of the CRMC or his or her designee, one ofwhom shall be the state veterinarian or an individual certified in veterinarymedicine, with a specialty in aquatic diseases, or by the American FisheriesSociety, one of whom shall be a certified medical doctor or a person with aPh.D. in public health, one of whom shall be a representative of the divisionof fish and wildlife, one of whom shall be a representative of the marinefisheries council, one of whom shall be a representative from the aquacultureindustry and one of whom shall be a faculty member of the University of RhodeIsland, Department of Fisheries, Animals and Veterinary Science.