§ 20-10-4 Application for a permit toconduct aquaculture. Any applicant desiring a permit to conduct aquaculture shall file with the CRMCa written application in any form that it may prescribe, setting forth thefollowing information:
(1) The name and address of the applicant;
(2) A description of the location and amount of submergedland and water column to be subject to the permit;
(3) A description of the aquaculture activities to beconducted, including:
(i) Whether those activities are to be experimental orcommercial;
(ii) A description of the species to be managed or cultivatedwithin the permitted area; and
(iii) A description of the method or manner of aquacultureactivity;
(4) An assessment of the current capability of the applicantto carry out those activities; and
(5) Any other information that the CRMC may by regulationrequire.