§ 20-10-9 Marking of areas subject topermit Restrictions on public use. (a) The CRMC shall require all permittees to mark off the areas under permit byappropriate ranges, monuments, stakes, buoys, or fences, so placed as not tointerfere unnecessarily with navigation and other traditional uses of thesurface. All permittees shall cause the area under permit and the means ofpermittees to be shown by signs appropriately placed pursuant to regulations ofthe CRMC.
(b) Except to the extent necessary to permit the effectivedevelopment of the species of animal or plant life being cultivated by thepermittee, the public shall be provided with means of reasonable ingress andegress to and from the area subject to permit for traditional water activitiessuch as boating, swimming, and fishing. All limitations upon the use by thepublic of the areas subject to permit that are authorized by the terms of thepermit shall be clearly posted by the permittee pursuant to regulations by theCRMC.