§ 20-13-16 Harassment of hunters,trappers, and fishers prohibited. (a) No person shall obstruct or interfere with the lawful taking of wildlife byanother person at the location where the activity is taking place with intentto prevent the lawful taking.
(b) A person violates this section when he or sheintentionally or knowingly:
(1) Drives or disturbs wildlife for the purpose of disruptingthe lawful taking of wildlife where another person is engaged in the process oflawfully taking wildlife;
(2) Blocks, impedes, or otherwise harasses another person whois engaged in the process of lawfully taking wildlife;
(3) Uses natural or artificial visual, aural, olfactory, orphysical stimuli to affect wildlife behavior in order to hinder or prevent thelawful taking of wildlife;
(4) Erects barriers with the intent to deny ingress or egressto areas where the lawful taking of wildlife may occur;
(5) Interjects himself or herself into the line of fire;
(6) Affects the condition or placement of personal or publicproperty intended for use in the lawful taking of wildlife in order to impairits usefulness or prevent its use; or
(7) Enters or remains upon private lands without thepermission of the owner or the owner's agent, with intent to violate thissection.
(c) A violation of this section is a civil violation forwhich a forfeiture of not less than one hundred dollars ($100) nor more thanfive hundred dollars ($500) may be adjudged.