§ 20-13-4 Certificate of competencyrequired for initial license. (a) No license to hunt shall be issued to any person unless that person hasheld a hunting license in a prior year or unless he or she presents to thelicensing agent a certificate of competency issued under § 20-13-2, orunder an equivalent hunter safety program adopted by any other state; provided,that in the case of those qualifying only for use of archery equipment, thelicensing agent shall mark across the face of the license "archery only." Ahunting license designated "archery only" is limited to the use of bows andarrows while hunting or pursuing game in this state. Each agent shall transmitall competency certificates presented to the agent to the department ofenvironmental management, along with the reports required to be filed pursuantto § 20-2-3.
(b) Any person who is serving in, or who has been honorablydischarged from, the army, navy, air force, marine corps, or coast guard, orany women's auxiliary branch, is not required to obtain a certificate ofcompetency under this section or § 20-13-2.