§ 20-14-7 Prohibited methods of taking. (a) No person shall hunt, pursue, take, or attempt to take upland or migratorygame birds over any area which has been baited. For the purposes of thissection a "baited area" is that on which salt, corn, wheat, or other grainshave been scattered to lure, attract, or entice those birds to, on, or over,where hunters are attempting to take them and shall not be construed to includeareas where corn, wheat, or other grains are scattered as the result of normalagricultural operations.
(b) No person shall hunt, pursue, take, or attempt to takemigratory game birds by the use or aid of live birds as decoys.
(c) No person shall hunt, pursue, take, or attempt to takewild birds by the use of an electronically amplified recording of bird calls orsounds. However, this provision does not apply to crows.
(d) No person shall take, kill, or destroy any wild bird bymeans of any trap, snare, net, spring, crossbow, rifle, pistol, fishhook,poison, drug, explosive, or stupefying substance, nor shall any personconstruct, set, maintain, or repair any of these devices for the purpose oftaking, killing, or destroying wild birds.
(e) No person shall shoot or attempt to shoot migratory gamebirds by means other than a shotgun of size ten (10) gauge or smaller, capableof holding three (3) or fewer shells, or a long bow (straight limb, reflex,recurve, and compound bow) and arrow.