§ 20-14-9 Boats used in hunting waterfowl. Migratory game birds may not be taken from or by means of any motorboat or aboat or other craft having a motor attached, unless the motor has beencompletely shut off and/or the sail furled, and its progress from the use ofthe motor or sail has ceased, or the boat or craft is used solely as a means ofpicking up dead or injured birds, nor shall migratory game birds be taken bymeans of aid of any motor driven land, water, or air conveyance used for thepurpose of or resulting in the concentrating, driving, rallying, or stirring upof waterfowl; provided, however, that the shooting of crippled waterfowl from amotorboat under power will be permitted under the following conditions:crippled waterfowl may be pursued, shot, and retrieved from a boat under powerseaward of the first upstream bridge, in all coastal waters except coastalponds.