§ 20-15-1 Deer hunting prohibited exceptas provided. No person shall hunt, pursue, or shoot, or attempt to hunt, pursue, or shoot,deer in this state except as provided in this chapter. Deer hunting shall belimited to seasons, times, manner of taking, and bag limits established inregulations adopted by the director pursuant to § 20-1-12. The regulationsshall be formulated to include the best methods to provide for the safety bothof hunters and residents. In any event, the following prohibitions andrestrictions shall always apply to deer hunting:
(1) No firearm deer hunting shall be done within five hundredfeet (500') of any building or dwelling house in use, without the specificwritten permission of the owner or tenant of the dwelling.
(ii) No archery deer hunting shall be done within two hundredfeet (200') of any building or dwelling house in use without the specificwritten permission of the owner or tenant of the dwelling unless otherwiseestablished in regulations adopted by the director or his or her designee forthe purpose of wildlife management;
(2) Hunting shall only be permitted from one half (1/2) hourbefore sunrise to one half (1/2) hour after sunset;
(3) No dog shall be employed in any deer hunting activities;
(4) No hunting shall be done on any privately owned landwithout the written permission of the owner of the land;
(5) Only a shotgun, muzzle loading rifle, or long bow(straight limb, reflex, recurve, and compound bow) or crossbow and arrow shallbe utilized in deer hunting;
(6) No person shall make, set, or use any trap or snare, orsalt lick or other device for the purpose of ensnaring, enticing, taking,injuring, or killing a deer;
(7) No person shall individually, or in conjunction withothers, use an artificial light at any time to illuminate, jack light, locate,attempt to locate, or show up wild birds or mammals or any other vertebrateswhen that person or persons have in their actual possession, in the passengercompartment of their vehicle, or in the storage area of a truck or van, unlesslocked in a case, a crossbow, long bow (straight limb, reflex, recurve, andcompound bow) rifle, gun, or pistol; and
(8) Upon conviction of a violation of any provision of thissection or the rules and regulations promulgated under this section and §20-1-12, in addition to the penalties provided by § 20-1-16, any weapons,guns, lights, or other equipment used in killing or attempting to kill any deershall be forfeited to the state.