§ 20-17-2 Sale of artificially propagatedgame. (a) No person shall engage in the commercial raising or selling of wild birds,game quadrupeds, or domestic game birds unless that person possesses acommercial game propagation license issued by the department.
(b) Game raised under the license may be bought, sold, andhad in possession, live, at any season of the year for purposes of propagation.
(c) Carcasses of artificially propagated game may be soldonly by a person who holds, in addition to a commercial propagation license, alicense issued by the department authorizing the sale of game carcasses. Allgame carcasses sold under the license must have attached to the game carcass atag or seal provided to the licensee by the department, at cost, which tag orseal shall remain intact until the game is used.
(d) The director may from time to time issue any rules andregulations that he or she deems necessary to control the operation of thebusiness of propagation, raising, and sale of game.