§ 20-18.1-3 Nongame wildlife Usesof the fund. (a) Sums collected as a result of the taxpayer check-off as provided for in§ 44-30-2.2 shall be deposited as general revenues. The director isauthorized to accept any grant, devise, bequest, donation, gift, or assignmentof money, bonds, or other valuable securities for deposit as general revenues.
(b) The moneys appropriated under this chapter are to be usedsolely to research, manage, protect, inventory, and establish a body ofecological information pertaining to nongame wildlife species. Whenappropriate, these uses may include habitat acquisition, educational programs,personnel needs, enforcement of laws pertaining specifically to nongamewildlife, planning, writing, and implementation of management programs,utilization of funds from other sources, and cooperation with other public andprivate programs with similar or parallel objectives. The moneys shall not beused for animal control programs, nor for any program or activity relateddirectly to game or domestic animals.
(c) Moneys deposited may be carried over from one fiscal yearto the next.