§ 20-18-3 Hunting on public lands. It is unlawful for any person to hunt, trap, pursue, take, or kill, or attemptso to do, or in any manner molest or destroy any wild birds, or the nests oreggs of wild birds, or any wild animal, within the exterior boundaries of anystate management area, or park, or land held by any entity in trust for publicuse, except that the authorities or persons having the control and charge ofthe lands may in their discretion, with limitations they may deem advisable,and consistent with the laws and rules and regulations of the state relating toseasons, bag and size limits, and manner of taking, authorize persons to hunt,take, or kill within the boundaries any wild birds or animals which are not nowprotected by law. Authorization is given by written permit, and the permit isrevocable at the pleasure of the authorities or persons granting it. Theprovisions of this section may be enforced by the officials and persons havingcharge of these lands, and by park police and conservation officers of thedepartment of environmental management.