§ 20-19-2 Shooting preserves. No person shall operate a shooting preserve unless a license has been obtainedfrom the director. Domestic game birds may be released and taken by shooting atshooting preserves. The following requirements must be followed in shootingpreserves:
(1) The shooting area is a single body of land not less thanone hundred twenty (120) acres in size, and is accurately described in theapplication;
(2) The licensee shall keep an accurate record of alldomestic game held by him or her; how, when, and where acquired; how manyreleased and when released; how many taken on the area, by whom, and when, andshall provide this information to the department when required;
(3) The licensee shall attach to each domestic game birdkilled on the area a band furnished by the department for which the licenseeshall pay the cost of purchase or manufacture;
(4) Domestic game birds taken on a shooting preserve may bepossessed and transported in any number but only when bearing the prescribedband; and
(5) Every person hunting or taking domestic game birds on ashooting preserve has a valid Rhode Island hunting license or a special licensepermitting the taking of domestic game on shooting preserves only.