§ 20-2.1-10 Powers and duties of themarine fisheries council with regard to licensure. The marine fisheries council, established by chapter 3 of this title, shallhave the power and the duty to advise the director in accordance with §20-2.1-9(3) on all rules, except emergency rules, necessary to implement theprovisions of this chapter. The council may establish any committees and holdany meetings and hearings that it may deem appropriate to fulfill thisresponsibility. The council shall advise the director on the development of theregulatory agenda for marine fisheries and shall have the power to initiaterule making by petition as provided for in § 42-35-6. The council shalladvise the department concerning the development of annual plans for theallocation and use of the funds made available to the department fromcommercial fishing license fees, tags, permits, and vessel fees as provided in§ 20-2-28.2.