§ 20-2.1-6 Non-resident licenses. Subject to the rules of the department, non-residents may apply for thefollowing commercial fishing licenses:
(1) Non-resident principal effort license. (i) Anon-resident principal effort license shall allow the holder to harvest, land,and sell in a lawful manner any species of finfish, per endorsement(s), atprincipal harvest and gear levels and as allowed in a management plan adoptedby the department.
(ii) Duly Rhode Island-licensed non-residents in a commercialfishery as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year, shall be eligibleto obtain a non-resident principal effort license with a single sectorendorsement applicable to the fishery for which they were licensed as ofDecember 31 of the immediately preceding year; provided: (A) that the state ofresidence of the person affords the same privilege in a manner that is not morerestrictive to Rhode Island residents; (B) that those persons apply for thenon-resident principal effort license in accordance with § 20-2.1-4(g);and (C) that those persons shall also be subject to any other restrictions thatwere applicable to the license as of December 31 of the immediately precedingyear, which other restrictions may be altered or changed consistent with amanagement plan adopted by the department.
(iii) Persons not duly licensed as of December 31 of theimmediately preceding year, shall be eligible to obtain a non-residentprincipal effort license, per endorsement, when available, in accordance withapplicable qualifying criteria and as allowed in a management plan adopted bythe department, provided that the state of residence of the person affords thesame privilege in a manner that is not more restrictive to Rhode Islandresidents.
(iv) The annual fee for a non-resident principal effortlicense shall be four hundred dollars ($400), plus one hundred dollars ($100)per endorsement.
(2) Non-resident commercial fishing license. (i) Anon-resident commercial fishing license shall allow the holder to harvest,land, and sell in a lawful manner any species of finfish, per endorsement(s),at basic harvest and gear levels and as allowed in a management plan adopted bythe department.
(ii) Non-residents age eighteen (18) and over shall beeligible to obtain a non-resident commercial fishing license and, in accordancewith applicable qualifying criteria, available fishery sector endorsements,provided that the state of residence of the person affords the same privilegein a manner that is not more restrictive to Rhode Island residents.
(iii) Holders of non-resident principal effort licenses shallnot be eligible to obtain non-resident commercial fishing licenses with thesame fishery sector endorsements.
(iv) Duly Rhode Island licensed non-residents in a commercialfishery as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year, shall be eligibleto obtain a non-resident commercial fishing license in their endorsed fisherysector as of December 31 of the immediately preceding year provided:
(A) That the state of residence of the person affords thesame privilege in a manner that is not more restrictive to Rhode Islandresidents;
(B) That those persons apply for the non-resident commercialfishing license in accordance with § 20-2.1-4(g); and
(C) That those persons shall also be subject to any otherrestrictions that were applicable to the license as of December 31 of theimmediately preceding year which other restrictions may be altered or changedconsistent with a management plan adopted by the department.
(v) The annual fee for a non-resident commercial fishinglicense shall be one hundred fifty dollars ($150), plus fifty dollars ($50.00)per endorsement.
(3) Vessel declaration and fees. The department shallrequire a non-resident owner and/or operator of a commercial fishing vessel tomake a declaration for that vessel; which shall be made at the time of initiallicense issuance and each renewal, or prior to the vessel's being used forcommercial fishing in Rhode Island waters by the non-resident owner and/oroperator if the first usage of the vessel for commercial fishing occurs duringthe course of a year after the license has been issued or renewed, for a costof fifty dollars ($50.00), plus one dollar and fifty cents ($1.50) for eachwhole foot over twenty-five feet (25') in length overall.
(4) New licenses. Any resident of a state that accordsto Rhode Island residents commercial fishing privileges that include an abilityto obtain a new license to fish for finfish species that are subject torestrictions and/or quotas, may on species specific reciprocal basis beeligible to obtain commercial fishing licenses and principal effort licenses byendorsement as provided in this section, subject to availability and with thepriority established in § 20-2.1-5(3)(iii).