§ 20-2.1-8 Dealers' licenses. In accordance with §§ 20-4-1.1, 20-6-24, and 20-7-5.1, the followingdealers' licenses shall be issued by the department:
(1) Multi-purpose Rhode Island dealer's license. Thislicense shall allow the holder to deal all marine products in the state ofRhode Island. The license shall be valid for the calendar year in which it isissued. The cost of the license shall be three hundred dollars ($300).
(2) Finfish dealer's license. This license shall allowthe holder to deal all finfish products in the state of Rhode Island. Thelicense shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is issued. The cost ofthe license shall be two hundred dollars ($200).
(3) Shellfish dealer's license. This license shallallow the holder to deal all shellfish products in the state of Rhode Island.The license shall be valid for the calendar year in which it is issued. Thecost of the license shall be two hundred dollars ($200).