§ 20-2.2-10 Accountability and oversight. (a) On an annual basis, the department shall prepare a report that details thenumber of recreational saltwater fishing licenses issued, the total amount oflicense fee revenue received, the expenditures made during the prior yearutilizing the fee revenue, and how the department plans to allocate and use thefee revenue during the next year. The report shall also include any additional,relevant information relating to the administration and enforcement of thelicensing program, and status of state-based recreational fishing assessmentsand stock assessments.
(b) The department shall annually submit the report to themarine fisheries council, and the department, in coordination with the council,shall annually schedule and conduct one or more public meetings to solicitinput from recreational fisherman and the general public. On the basis of suchinput, and the council's own review, the council shall annually prepare anaddendum to the report, setting forth the council's opinion on whether thelicensing program is meeting its intended purposes, and offering anyrecommendations for modifying the program.
(c) The department shall annually submit the report,including the addendum developed by the council, to the general assembly.