§ 20-2.2-3 Definitions. As used in this chapter, the following terms shall have the following meanings:
(1) "Angling" means to fish recreationally using hook andline.
(2) "Blind" means an individual who is blind in accordancewith § 20-2-31.
(3) "Exempted state" means a state that has been designatedas an exempted state by the national marine fisheries service, pursuant to theNational Saltwater Angler Registry Program, 50 CFR Part 600.
(4) "Finfish" means all species of finfish, excludingshellfish and crustaceans.
(5) "Fishing recreationally" means all forms of angling, aswell as all forms of spearfishing, the purpose of which is to harvest, orattempt to harvest finfish for non-commercial purposes.
(6) "Marine waters of Rhode Island" means all tidal andterritorial waters of the state out to three (3) nautical miles from thecoastline, including all state waters surrounding Block Island.
(7) "Permanently disabled" means an individual who is onehundred percent (100%) permanently disabled in accordance with § 20-2-31.
(8) "Resident" means an individual who has had his or heractual place of residence and has lived in the state of Rhode Island for acontinuous period of not less than six (6) months.
(9) "Spearfishing" means to fish recreationally using a spearor a powerhead.