§ 20-2.2-9 Deposit of fees Appropriation and use of license fee revenue. All moneys generated from license fees issued under this chapter, other thanany commissions retained by the licensing vendor and licensing agents persubsection 20-2.2-6(e), shall be deposited in a restricted receipt account,hereby created and known as the Recreational Saltwater Fishing LicenseRestricted Receipt Account. The state controller is authorized and directed todraw orders upon the general treasurer for payment of any sum or sums as may benecessary from time to time upon receipt by him or her of duly authenticatedvouchers presented by the director of environmental management. In accordancewith § 20-9-3 and in keeping with subdivision 20-3.1-7(3), the monies fromlicense fees received under this section are to be used only for the followingspecific purposes:
(1) Administering and enforcing the recreational saltwaterfishing license program established by this chapter;
(2) Managing Rhode Island's marine recreational fisheries,with particular reference to improving state-based recreational fishery catchand effort statistics and stock assessments; and
(3) Enhancing recreational fishing opportunities in the state.