§ 20-2-22 Non-resident's noncommercialshellfish license. (a) Every non-resident over the age of twelve (12) years may obtain anon-resident, noncommercial annual shellfish license for a fee of two hundreddollars ($200).
(b) A non-resident may obtain one noncommercial limitedlicense per calendar year covering fourteen (14) days, including the date ofissue, for eleven dollars ($11.00).
(c) A non-resident must obtain a shellfish landing license,for a fee of two hundred dollars ($200), to land shellfish (surf clams, bluemussels, ocean quahaugs, sea scallops) harvested outside Rhode Island waters.
(d) A nonresident landowner, as defined in §20-1-3(a)(3), who owns residential real estate in Rhode Island assessed fortaxation at a valuation of not less than thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) may,with proof of residential property ownership in the form of a current tax billfrom a town or city hall showing that the nonresident landowner is current inhis or her property tax obligation, obtain an annual, noncommercial,nonresident shellfish license for a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00).