§ 20-2-45 Narragansett Bay OysterRestoration Act. (a) Findings of fact. The general assembly hereby finds and declares thefollowing:
(1) Oyster fishery has historically been important to RhodeIsland for economic and ecosystem benefits;
(2) The Rhode Island oyster fishery has been in deep declineand is a fraction of its historical levels due to disease;
(3) The development of indigenous disease-resistant oysterbrood stock will assist in the restoration of the oyster population inNarragansett Bay;
(4) The plantings of indigenous disease-resistant oystershellfish seed stock will increase the Narragansett Bay's oyster population andannual harvest; and
(5) An increase in oyster population will have a positiveimpact on the state's economy and the overall health of Narragansett Bay andits ecosystem.
(b) Authority to solicit federal funds for oysterrestoration. The general assembly hereby vests in the director of thedepartment of environmental management, acting through the division ofagriculture, authority and responsibility to solicit annual federal funding,including but not limited to, funding from the United States departments ofinterior, agriculture and commerce for purposes of developing, restoring, andmaintaining both the oyster population and oyster habitats in and aroundNarragansett Bay.
(c) Program to achieve oyster restoration in NarragansettBay. The director of the department of environmental management shall workin conjunction with the aquaculture coordinator located in the coastalresources management council to develop programs that address the decliningoyster population in Narragansett Bay and which programs shall further promotethe development, restoration and maintenance of the oyster population andoyster habitats in and around Narragansett Bay, as set forth in this section.