§ 20-3.1-7 Studies and analyses. The department, with the advice and involvement of the council, the Universityof Rhode Island Coastal Institute, and commercial and recreational fishinginterests, shall undertake the following studies and analyses that shallevaluate the full reasonable range of options for improving fisheriesmanagement in Rhode Island. The process for undertaking these studies andanalyses and developing legislative options for consideration by the generalassembly shall be open, inclusive, and participatory, and shall fairly andappropriately involve the range of fishing interests and give fair and balancedconsideration to the interests of year round, seasonal, and recreationalfishers, full and part-time fishers, aquaculturists, and persons who may wishto participate in fishing in the future:
(1) Principles for fisheries management. Thedepartment shall, by October 1, 2001, recommend goals and principles to guidethe development and implementation of a restructured marine fisheriesmanagement system.
(2) Commercial fisheries. The department shall, byJanuary 1, 2002, recommend options for commercial fishing licenses that addresslicense eligibility, provide for new entrants into fisheries in the state, andestablish an analytic basis for and a method to manage fisheries by effort, aswell as by quota for catch by species.
(3) Recreational fisheries. The department isauthorized to propose a licensing system for recreational fisheries for thepurposes of: (i) obtaining reliable data about the level and effects ofrecreational fishing in the state; (ii) improving the quality and extent ofrecreational fishing opportunities in Rhode Island; and (iii) providing revenueto be used solely and exclusively for the purposes of managing recreationalfisheries and enhancing recreational fishing opportunities. The licensingsystem shall not be effective either before April 1, 2003, or without generalassembly approval and shall be put into effect by rule after a finding by thedirector, following the general assembly approval, that the system is fair,enforceable, and accomplishes the purposes of this chapter.
(4) Commercial aquaculture. The department shall, byJanuary 1, 2002, develop proposed rules and recommend statutory changes for thepurposes of fostering the expansion and competitiveness of commercialaquaculture, which rules shall treat commercial aquaculture as a separate anddistinct activity from commercial fishing.
(5) Comprehensive. The department shall develop aplan, by January 1, 2002, to coordinate Rhode Island licensing requirementswith federal licensing requirements and licensing requirements in other statesthat minimizes conflicts and confusion in licensing and reporting, provides forconsistent data collection and analysis, and supports regional managementefforts that maintain or enhance the stewardship and productivity of fisheriesresources.