§ 20-3.2-2 Findings. The general assembly finds and declares:
(a) The people of the State of Rhode Island have an ongoinginterest in the sound management of commercially and noncommercially importantmarine fish, shellfish and crustacean species and their associated habitats.
(b) That marine fisheries have been important to the way oflife of people in Rhode Island throughout its history;
(c) Marine fisheries support commercial operations andrecreational activities, both of which are significant contributors to thestate's economy;
(d) The rights and interests of people to engage incommercial and recreational fishing in Rhode Island's marine waters need to berecognized and protected;
(e) Rhode Island has historically managed its marinefisheries for the benefit of the people of the state, as an ecological asset,and as a source of food, income and recreation;
(f) Protecting fish, shellfish, crustaceans, essential marinehabitats, and the right to fish in Rhode Island's marine waters must be managedtogether;
(g) Various management measures, including the closure ofmarine waters or portions thereof to fishing, can be utilized to manage marinefish, shellfish, crustaceans, essential marine habitats, or other marineresources, but such measures must be developed in response to specificconservation or restoration needs, be based on the best currently availablescientific information, and emanate from an open management and regulatoryprocess, incorporating full input from all affected stakeholders, conductedpursuant to the general laws of the state of Rhode Island.