§ 20-4-3 Otter trawls, pair trawls, andbeam trawls Areas allowed. Any duly licensed resident commercial fisherman and a nonresident commercialfisherman licensed pursuant to § 20-2-28, may operate otter, beam, or pairtrawls or other mechanical trawling device subject to rules and regulations ofthe marine fisheries council, in the area of Narragansett Bay, and SakonnetRiver south of a line, extending from Spink Neck in the town of North Kingstownin a northeasterly direction to Pine Hill Point on Prudence Island and from apoint at Homestead Dock on the easterly shore of Prudence Island, thencenortheasterly to Hog Island shoal light, thence to the north abutment of Mt.Hope Bridge in the town of Bristol, and south of a line extending from McCurryPoint on the east side of the town of Portsmouth northeasterly in a line tosoutherly point of Jack's Island, so-called, in the town of Tiverton. The areasubject to this section may be changed by rules and regulations adopted by themarine fisheries council.