§ 20-4-7 Marking of traps. The owner of every trap, pot, or other stationary contrivance used for thetaking of marine fish, shellfish, crustaceans, or other invertebrates beingfished in the waters of this state, and the owner of any trap or pot forcatching or cars or other contrivances for keeping lobsters shall mark eachtrap, pot, or contrivance, together with the buoy which is attached to it, withthe name or names of the owners of the contrivance or the person or personsusing the contrivance, and the license number or numbers of each person orpersons. Every person failing to mark each trap as provided in this sectionshall be fined not less than twenty dollars ($20.00) nor more than five hundreddollars ($500) for each offense and all traps, pots, or other contrivances usedcontrary to the provisions of this and other sections of this chapter shall beseized by any officer engaged in the enforcement of this chapter; and theproperty shall be forfeited to the state.