§ 20-5-14 Removal of trap on cessation ofuse Closed season Damaged or dilapidated traps. Upon ceasing to use any fish trap as authorized, that structure shall at oncebe removed by the owner at the owner's expense and to the satisfaction of thedirector of environmental management. Failure to remove it shall be consideredsufficient grounds for prosecution of the owner for maintaining a publicnuisance or for revocation of the fish trap permit. Unless otherwise specifiedby regulations adopted by the marine fisheries council, all fish trapsauthorized in this chapter shall be completely removed by or before the lastday of December of each year; and no fish trap shall be reset before the firstday of the following March. All submerged or broken stakes must be promptlyremoved. Any fish trap damaged or allowed to get into a dilapidated conditionwill be regarded as abandoned unless promptly removed or rebuilt. Failure to dothis will subject the owner to prosecution and forfeiture of the trap.