§ 20-5-15 Seizure of abandoned or unlawfultraps Destruction or sale. The department may take possession of any abandoned fish trap andappurtenances; or any fish trap and appurtenances placed in a location forwhich no permit has been obtained; or any fish trap and appurtenances for whicha permit location has been obtained but which the owner of the fish trap andappurtenances may willfully maintain in a wrong position or location; and maydestroy the fish trap and appurtenances or may dispose of them at publicauction to the highest bidder, first giving notice of the time and place ofsale by publishing the notice at least three (3) times a week for two (2)successive weeks in a newspaper of general circulation with power to adjournthe sale from time to time, giving like notice of the adjournment; and make andexecute to the purchaser at the sale a good and sufficient conveyance of allright, title, and interest in and to the fish trap and appurtenances; and toreceive the proceeds of the sale and pay the proceeds into the treasury of thestate; and the state controller shall draw orders upon the general treasurerfor the payment of all expenses of taking possession and disposing of a fishtrap and any appurtenances, upon receipt by him or her of proper vouchers,approved by the director of environmental management, and the general treasurershall pay the orders out of moneys appropriated for that purpose.