§ 20-6-13 General penalties for violations Impoundment of boats. Any person who, without a license, takes quahaugs by dredge, or any person whoviolates any suspension of the director of environmental management made withrespect to quahaug dredging or who violates any provisions of this chapter forwhich a penalty is not otherwise provided, shall upon conviction for the firstoffense be fined two hundred fifty dollars ($250) and the director may seize,hold, and impound at the owner's expense, in one of three (3) commercialshipyards submitting the lowest bid, for a period of not less than thirty (30)days nor more than sixty (60) days, any power boat used in the violation ofthis section together with its dredges, rakes, and equipment. Any personconvicted of a subsequent violation or violations of the provisions of thissection shall be imprisoned for thirty (30) days and the director ofenvironmental management may seize, hold, and impound at the owner's expense,in a commercial shipyard for a period of not less than ninety (90) nor morethan one hundred twenty (120) days, any power boat used in the violation ofthis chapter together with its dredges, rakes, and equipment.