§ 20-7-14 Mutilation of uncooked lobsters. (a) No person shall mutilate any uncooked lobster by severing its tail from itsbody or have in his or her possession any part or parts of any uncooked lobsterso mutilated. In any and all prosecutions under this section the possession ofany part or parts of any uncooked lobster so mutilated shall be prima facieevidence sufficient to convict.
(2) The director of environmental management is authorized topromulgate regulations exempting land-based processing facilities from theprovisions of this chapter. Those regulations shall prescribe the procedures toapply for the subject exemption permit and the standards to be employed by thedirector in his or her consideration of the application. Those regulationsshall prescribe rules governing the conduct and operation of the facility andmay include restrictions on product forms, sizes, possession requirements, andother provisions in order to maintain the protection of the lobster resource,and enforcement of the provision of this chapter.
(b) Any fishing vessel operating in Rhode Island territorialwaters shall not have on board at any time more than one pound of cooked oruncooked lobster meat for each person on board that vessel. Any violation ofthis section shall be punished by a fine of not less than two hundred fiftydollars ($250) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500), and imprisonment fornot less than thirty (30) days, or both.