§ 20-7-5.1 Lobster dealer's license. (a) No person, partnership, firm, association, or corporation shall barter ortrade in lobsters taken by persons licensed under this chapter unless a licenseso to do has been obtained from the director of environmental management.
(b) Any licensee operating under the provisions of thissection shall purchase lobsters from licensed persons only and shall purchaseor possess only those lobsters legally taken or possessed.
(c) The director shall issue and enforce rules andregulations and orders governing bartering and trading in lobsters by licensedfishers of lobster and licensed lobster buyers and other persons, partnerships,firms, associations, or corporations.
(d) The director may suspend, revoke, or deny the license ofa lobster buyer or fisher of lobster for the violation of any provision of thistitle or the rules, regulations, or orders adopted or issued pursuant to thistitle.
(e) Any person aggrieved by the decision of the director mayappeal the decision pursuant to the provision of the Administrative ProceduresAct, chapter 35 of title 42.
(f) The director of the department of environmentalmanagement and the director's agents are authorized to enter and inspect thebusiness premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles or vessels of any lobsterbuyer and to inspect records maintained by a lobster buyer for the purposes ofdetermining compliance with the provisions of this section and any rules,regulations, or orders issued under this section, and no person shall interferewith or obstruct the entrance or inspection of the director or the director'sher agents of those business premises, appurtenant structures, vehicles orvessels.
(g) Any violation of the provisions of this section or anyrule, regulation or order adopted hereunder shall be subject to the penaltiesprescribed in § 20-1-16.