§ 20-8.1-4 Factors considered indetermining polluted areas. In making a determination that an area is polluted, the director shall takeinto consideration one or more of the following matters as they apply: thevolume of sewage that may affect the area; the dilution of that sewage by cleanwater; the distance of the area from sources of pollution; the "most probablenumber" of fecal coliform bacteria found upon examining the water from the areain accordance with the national shellfish sanitation programs manual ofoperations exceeds 14 per one hundred milliliters (100 ml) of water, for a3-tube decimal dilution test or exceeds 49 per 100 ml of water for a 3-tubedecimal dilution test for more than ten percent (10%) of the samples. Thedirector may declare an area to be polluted in the absence of a "most probablenumber" of fecal coliforms if the director has evidence that significantvolumes of raw sewage or inadequately purified sewage may reach the area. Areview of the status of all the area in the state shall be made by the directoron at least an annual basis.