§ 21-14-1 Definitions. Unless otherwise specifically provided, the following definitions apply to thischapter:
(1) "Approved" means approved by the director.
(2) "Department" means the department of health.
(3) "Director" means the director of health or the director'sduly appointed agents.
(4) "Person" means any individual, firm, partnership,association, or private or municipal corporation.
(5) "Polluted area" means and includes any shellfish groundsunderlying waters which have been examined and found to be unfit for theproduction of shellfish for human consumption.
(6) "Processing" means and includes cleansing, mixing,opening, or packing shellfish which are to be offered for sale or sold.
(7) "Shellfish" means and includes oysters, mussels, and allvarieties of clams.
(8) "Shellfish business" means and includes one of thefollowing: processing, labeling, storing except in commercial warehouses, ortransporting except by common carrier shellfish which are to be offered forsale or sold.
(9) "Shellfish grounds" means and includes all landsunderlying waters within the rise and fall of the tide and the marine limits ofthe jurisdiction of the state.
(10) "Taking" means and includes gathering, digging, raking,tonging, or dredging of shellfish.