§ 21-2-16 Embargo of sale or distributionof milk. In the event that any milk inspector or the director shall at any time, uponinspection of any dairy farm of any Rhode Island milk producer or of thefacilities or equipment of any hauler or of any milk processing plant or of theplant, store, or other premises of any distributor, or upon the examination,inspection, or analysis of any quantity of milk or milk product, or in theevent that he or she shall receive a report of any unsatisfactory inspection asto the animals of any producer, become satisfied or has probable cause tobelieve that any supply or quantity of milk is adulterated or so misbranded asto be dangerous or fraudulent within the meaning of chapter 31 of this title,he or she may embargo the supply or quantity of milk in accordance with theprocedures set forth in § 21-31-6.