§ 21-2-19 Inspections and inspectors. The operations and facilities of all permittees located in the state of RhodeIsland shall be inspected by the director or a milk inspector subordinate tothe director at least twice each year. The operations and facilities of allpermittees located outside the state of Rhode Island shall likewise beinspected by the director or a milk inspector subordinate to the director atleast twice a year; provided, that in the event that the director shall besatisfied that the entire inspection service of another state shall be adequateand reliable to ensure compliance with the provisions of this chapter on thepart of producers, milk haulers, or permittees in another state, or in theevent that he or she shall be satisfied as to the reliability of any one ormore individual inspectors located in another state to ensure compliance, he orshe may certify the service or the inspectors, as the case may be, to make theinspections of the operations and facilities of out-of-state permittees locatedin another state required under this section and required as a conditionprecedent to the issuance of permits in the first instance.