§ 21-2-20 Special inspections. In the event that any operator of a milk plant or distributor shall desire toobtain milk to be sold in the state of Rhode Island from any location outsidethe state, and inspectors for that location have not been certified or approvedby the director, and it shall be necessary in order to make the milk conform tothe requirements of this statute and the regulations promulgated to providespecially for the necessary inspections pertaining to it, the director may inthe alternative either: (1) approve and certify an inspector specially for thepurpose; or (2) send an inspector from the director's own department for thepurposes of making the inspections. In either event the milk haulers, theoperator of milk plants, or distributors, as the case may be, requesting theinspection and the issuance of any permits involved, shall pay to the directorall of the reasonable expenses and the salary pro rata of the inspectors notonly of the inspection in the first instance incident to the issuance ofpermits, but for all subsequent inspections required by the director in thepremises, the expenses to be allocated proportionately, according to volume,among the permittees requesting the inspections, if more than one.