§ 21-2-31 Labeling of containers of milkand milk products. (a) All containers in or from which milk or milk products are sold or offeredfor sale shall bear a label in accordance with regulations adopted under thischapter.
(b) All labels or marks shall be displayed in the manner andinclude any matters as shall be prescribed by the rules and regulations of thedirector; provided, nothing contained in this section shall be construed toempower the director to disapprove of or to change any dealer from using thecommon name of his or her firm, or of any registered trademark, brand, or tradename customarily used by him or her in the identification of any or all of hisor her products.
(c) Samples of all labels or marks to be used on containersof milk or milk products shall be submitted for approval as to color, size oflettering, and matter. No misleading mark or words shall be placed on anycontainer of milk or milk products. The cap or cover of all containers of milkor milk products must cover the pouring lip to at least its largest diameter.