§ 21-2-6 Grade A dairy farm permitholders. (a) All grade A dairy farms shall be inspected at least two (2) times each yearby the department of health. If the grade A dairy farm is located outside ofthe state, the department may accept the inspection of some person or agencyoutside of the state of Rhode Island who has been qualified and approved by thedirector to make the inspection.
(b) Every grade A dairy farm permit holder shall be equippedwith a bulk storage and pickup tank with suitable and adequate coolingequipment, and no grade A raw milk for pasteurization from grade A dairy farmsshall be picked up in cans.
(c) No milk sold or shipped by a grade A dairy farm permitholder as grade A raw milk for pasteurization shall be commingled in any mannerwith milk or milk products of any other grade if it is to be sold as grade Apasteurized milk.
(d) The director of health shall be responsible for theenforcement of this section.