§ 21-21-5 Access to premises Takingand analysis of specimens. The director of health or the director's officer or agent may enter any placewhere olive oil is packed, labeled, distributed, or offered for sale for thepurpose of examining into any suspected violation of §§ 21-21-2 and21-21-3; and whenever the director has reason to believe that any olive oil isbeing packed, labeled, distributed, or offered for sale in violation of§§ 21-21-2 and 21-21-3, he or she shall take specimens of the oil andcause the specimens to be analyzed or satisfactorily tested, the result ofwhich he or she shall record and preserve as evidence, and a certificate of theresult, sworn to by the analyzer, shall be admissible in evidence in allprosecutions under this chapter. Every person refusing the director or otherofficer or agent responsible entry for the purpose of examination, or refusingto allow him or her to take specimens, shall, upon conviction, be fined a sumnot exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00).