§ 21-25-4 Penalty for misbranding. Every person, firm, or corporation, as principal, or by a servant, or agent,who shall sell or offer to sell or expose for sale or have in their possessionwith intent to sell, contrary to the provisions of this chapter, any package,bag, bottle, can, box, tub, firkin, or container of any kind which has beenstamped, marked, printed, branded, and is to be used for the sale, offering, orexposing for sale of any Rhode Island corn meal when the corn meal contained init has not been ground or manufactured in Rhode Island from Rhode Island cornas required by this chapter, shall for each offense be fined one hundreddollars ($100), one-half ( 1/2) of the fine to the use of the complainant andone-half ( 1/2) of the fine to the use of the state; and on trial for theoffense, proof of the sale or offering to sell or of the exposing for sale ofthe article or substance shall be evidence or knowledge of the character of thearticle or substance so sold or offered or exposed for sale and of knowledgethat it was not stamped, marked, printed, branded, or used in accordance withthe requirements of this chapter.