§ 21-27-10 Registration of foodbusinesses. (a) No person shall operate a food business as defined in § 21-27-1(8)unless he or she annually registers the business with the state director ofhealth; provided, that food businesses conducted by nonprofit organizations,hospitals, public institutions, farmers markets, roadside farmstands, or anymunicipality shall be exempt from payment of any required fee.
(b) In order to set the registration renewal dates so thatall activities for each establishment can be combined on one registrationinstead of on several registrations, the registration renewal date shall be setby the department of health. The registration period shall be for twelve (12)months commencing on the registration renewal date, and the registration feeshall be at the full annual rate regardless of the date of application or thedate of issuance of registration. If the registration renewal date is changed,the department may make an adjustment to the fees of registered establishments,not to exceed the annual registration fee, in order to implement the changes inregistration renewal date. Registrations issued under this chapter may besuspended or revoked for cause. Any registration or license shall be posted ina place accessible and prominently visible to an agent of the director.
(c) Registration with the director of health shall be basedupon satisfactory compliance with all laws and regulations of the directorapplicable to the food business for which registration is required.
(d) The director of health is authorized to adopt regulationsnecessary for the implementation of this chapter.
(e) Classification and fees for registration shall be asfollows:
(1) Food processors (Wholesale) $280.00
(2) Food processors (Retail) 120.00
(3) Food service establishments:
(i) 50 seats or less 160.00
(ii) More than 50 seats 240.00
(iii) Mobile food service units 100.00
(iv) Industrial caterer or food vending machine commissary280.00
(v) Cultural heritage educational facility 80.00
(4) Vending machine sites or location:
(i) Three (3) or less machines 50.00
(ii) Four (4) to ten (10) machines 100.00
(iii) Eleven (11) or more machines 120.00
(5) Retail markets:
(i) 1 to 2 cash registers 120.00
(ii) 3 to 5 cash registers 240.00
(iii) 6 or more cash registers 510.00
(6) Retail food peddler (meat, seafood, dairy, and frozendessert products) 100.00
(7) Food warehouses 190.00
(f) In no instance where an individual food business has morethan one activity eligible under this chapter for state registration within asingle location shall the business be required to pay more than a single feefor the one highest classified activity listed in subsection (e) of thissection; provided, that where several separate but identically classifiedactivities are located within the same building and under the management andjurisdiction of one person, one fee shall be required. In each of the instancesin this subsection, each activity shall be separately registered.