§ 21-27-11.6 Requirements of foodestablishments. (a) Food establishments which prepare potentially hazardous foods shall employat least one fulltime manager certified in food safety. Establishments whoemploy ten (10) or more full-time equivalent employees directly involved infood preparation shall be required to employ two (2) managers certified in foodsafety. Establishments who primarily serve the elderly and individuals withdiminished immune systems shall have a manager certified in food safety presentduring preparation of all hot potentially hazardous foods.
(b) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, assistedliving residences, licensed by the director of health pursuant to chapter 17.4of title 23, which have a licensed capacity of twenty-five (25) or fewerresidents and which employ five (5) or fewer full-time equivalent employeesinvolved in preparation and serving of food, shall only be required to employone full-time manager certified in food safety.
(c) Once a manager certified in food safety terminatesemployment, establishments shall have sixty (60) days to employ a new managercertified in food safety, or have an individual enrolled in a division approvedfood manager certification program in food safety.
(d) Notwithstanding subsection (a) of this section, assistedliving residences, licensed by the director of health pursuant to chapter 17.4of title 23, which have a licensed capacity of twenty-five (25) or fewerresidents and which employ five (5) or fewer full-time equivalent employeesinvolved in preparation and serving of food, shall only have fifteen (15) daysto employ a new manager certified in food safety. However said time period maybe extended by the division.