§ 21-28.2-20 Approval of rehabilitationfacilities and service. (a) No narcotic addict certified to the care and custody of the departmentshall be assigned or transferred to or retained by any person, association, orcorporation operating a facility for the care, treatment, or rehabilitation ofnarcotic addicts, or providing organized services for the treatment, care, orrehabilitation of narcotic addicts, unless the facility or services have beenapproved by the department pursuant to this section. That approval shall begranted pursuant to rules and regulations of the department which rules andregulations shall prescribe standards of good moral character, financialresponsibility, adequacy of buildings and equipment, quality of care,qualifications of personnel, and form of records to be maintained, and shallprovide for periodic review of the approval.
(b) An application for the approval of the departmentpursuant to subsection (a) of this section shall be filed with the directortogether with any other forms and information that shall be prescribed by, oracceptable to, the department.
(c) If the department proposes to disapprove the application,it shall afford the applicant an opportunity to request a public hearing. Ifrequested, a public hearing shall be held and may be conducted by the directoror the director's duly appointed designee.