§ 21-28.4-1 Controlled substancestherapeutic research program established Participation. (a) There is established within the department of health the "controlledsubstances therapeutic research program." The program shall be administered bythe director of health or the director's designee. The department shallpromulgate rules and regulations necessary for proper administration of thischapter.
(b) The controlled substances therapeutic research programshall be limited to patients who are certified by a practitioner as beinginvolved in a life-threatening or sense-threatening situation and who are notresponding to conventional drug therapies or where these conventional therapieshave proven effective but expose the patient to intolerable side effects.
(c) The director of health is authorized to protect theprivacy of individuals who are participants in the controlled substancestherapeutic program by withholding from all persons not directly connected withthe conduct of the program the names and other identifying characteristics ofthe participants. Persons who are given this authorization shall not becompelled in any civil, criminal, administrative, legislative, or otherproceeding to identify the individuals who are participants in the controlledsubstances therapeutic research program, except to the extent necessary topermit the director of health to determine whether the controlled substancestherapeutic program is being conducted in accordance with the authorization.